UKRI funded project
The SERVICE project was initially funded by an EPSRC Covid-19 grant to research the experiences of older adults during the pandemic and to develop a digital platform to improve their wellbeing. The digital platform was trialled for efficacy with the Trent Aging Panel.
Circles of Support
UKRI funded project
As part of the STRETCH project (referred to as Circles of Support by Age UK Exeter), we have been drawing people’s social networks and social identity maps (example illustrated below), as a way of getting people to think more about who they are connected to, who they give or receive support from and what identities are important to them.
Designing for Diabetes Decision Support Systems with Fluid Contextual Reasoning
SIGCHI Conference Paper
Dual-process models are a common approach to understanding how people thing. However, evidence from the first of two studies we present suggests that in demanding and complex situations, some individuals approach diabetes disease management in distinctive ways that do not seem to fit well within this dominant models.
Data, Data Everywhere, and Still Too Hard to Link: Insights from User Interactions with Diabetes Apps
SIGCHI Conference Paper
For those with chronic conditions, such as Type 1 diabetes, smartphone apps offer the promise of an affordable, con- venient, and personalized disease management tool. How- ever, despite significant academic research and commercial development in this area, diabetes apps still show low adop- tion rates and underwhelming clinical outcomes. Through user-interaction sessions with 16 people with Type 1 diabe- tes, we provide evidence that commonly used interfaces for diabetes self-management apps, while providing certain benefits, can fail to explicitly address the cognitive and emotional requirements of users….